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Misbehavior Or Special Needs - 3 Important Information You Must Know

Your child has difficulty focusing. Pre-school teachers often give feedback about his or her misbehavior.

You have disciplined your child with your best efforts but nothing seems to be working.

You must be wondering, does your child have ADHD?

What if I tell you that you are not alone. It is normal to worry if your child has special needs.

The rise of children with special needs is due to more sophisticated differentiation.

Knowing the specifics would enable therapists, counselors, and teachers to deal with the needs of your child better.

But wait! Do not assume your child has special needs too early!

3 Actions You Need To Know

#1 Seek Help From Professional Therapists

If you suspect your child has special needs and really uneasy about it, you can choose to go to a professional therapist.

They will assess your child and suggest the relevant follow up actions.

#2 Patience (Do not label your child too early and unprofessionally)

Even in elementary school, students are observed for at least 2 years before they are encouraged to go for diagnosis.

And diagnosis does not mean it is confirmed that your child has ADHD.

#3 Routine

With a routine, your child will learn discipline. There is a time to be still, and there is a time to be active. These abstract concepts can be taught to your child through having a routine.

The Real Secret To A Routine - Physical Activities

Sam is a child who had been misunderstood to have some sort of special needs since he was 4 years old.

He is unable to focus.

He looks like he needs to move around.

Teachers feedback to parents.

Worried and helpless, Sam’s parents sent him for therapy. Eventually he got better. He could focus better and appeared more disciplined.

What is the secret to this $100/session therapy? It is physical activity!

Did Sam have special needs? No, he did not.

Did the physical activities help? Yes!

And the secret to having a routine is this: physical activities

Physical Activities Application

Each physical activity session comprises of 4 main segments:

  1. Sitting down and listening to instructions

  2. Execution of instructions

  3. Coach feedback

  4. Affirmation and conclusion

As your child goes through these routines, he or she learns that there is a time to be still and there is a time to be moving.

Renew Your Mind

Most people in Singapore downplay physical education vs academics because the assessments are intangible.

If that is the case, why are therapists using physical activities as a treatment?

Because there is value. And this value overflows to other aspects of life. It is definitely a part of holistic living.

Good News

In Movement Heroes, we teach physical activities in order to maximize your child’s development.

4 to 6 years old is the golden period for fundamental movements and it helps your child to develop discipline and focus.


If this article has benefited you, do share it with your friends.

If you like your child to get a head start on fundamental movements, contact us at our Instagram or website to customize a set of cue cards for your child!

If you do not know how to use the cue cards, do note that you are entitled to a free assessment and trial class with us!

See you soon!

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